Thursday, October 16, 2008

We've been Simpsonized!

This just cracks me up. Scary thing, it really does kinda look like us, 'cept I ain't blond. The pic I used I was standing under a light, so the highlights made me look blond -- I'm a brunette! And DH's hair is more of a light brown, but he was standing behind me -- out of the light... sponsered by Burger King.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


DH had his gallbladder removed today. Surgery went fine, he's in hardly any pain (he says on a scale of 1-10, 1/2), but he's real nauseous and gets quite dizzy when ever he does anything but lie there, (when he gets up, sits up, watching TV, holding a conversation). It's better than it was at first though, he isn't vomiting anymore. I left at 5 and he looks tons better than he did at 11, his color is back. They say some people react to anesthesia that way, he's in the some people category. Ain't he lucky!

His biggest problems are nothing fits him! He's 6'4" and around 260. The bed's too short, the gown doesn't fit... They finally made the bed better (there's an adjustment to make it longer -- who knew?) right before I left. And he hates all the tubes!

I left at 5 cause it's getting dark earlier (plus we had one of those dreary, rainy, drizzly days) and I don't see so good in the dark. Total (or almost) dark -- forget it. Not too bad with street lights and car lights, but not great. Anywho, kinda wierd being all alone in the house for this long. We've been apart in our almost 25 years, but usually it's me that leaves him at home!

Finished the sleeves and half of the back of the Eyelet cardigan for Emily at the hospital, one redeeming value to spending the day there! Other than comforting and commiserating with DH of course!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Ok, we know this is just a dirty glass fireplace screen, but still... check out our own apparition. We (DH and me) originally thought Mary, but some of my co-workers thought it was male - aka Jesus. One heathen (lapsed Catholic LOL) refused to see anything, but hey, whatever floats your boat. Only clear in the late morning, cause of the way the light hits it. Anyway, we think it's cool.

Monday, October 6, 2008

OMG, I really have a lot of yarn

My husband would kill me if he really knew how much. I have it stashed in drawers, closests, plastic bins in the crawl space and plastic bags in the dining room. I didn't really realize it was so bad until I joined Ravelry and started inventorying. I hardly ever buy yarn without a particular project in mind (but there are a couple...) So I have enough for probably 30 sweaters. OMG! Am stopping now! WILL NOT BUY ANYMORE until everything's knitted! (yeah, right). Incentive, anyway. Must get knitting. Problem is I keep knitting for nieces and nephew, or for friends and co-workers who are having babies. Really eats in to the knitting for me time.

On the needles: Just finished Monica for Bella, and started Eyelet Cardigan for Emily. Then wil do the Precious Hearts Cardigans for Bella, Emily and Bethany, and the Truck Pullover for Gavin -- all xmas presents for nieces and nephew. Then the Baby Uggs and Baby Yeti for 2 women (sisters!) at work having babies, February and March respectively. THEN I can knit for me!